St Therese of Lisieux – My Armor

‘The spouse of the King is terrible as an army set in array; She is like to a choir of music on a field of battle.’ Canticles vi. 3; vii.
‘Put you on the armor of God that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil.’ Ephesians vi. II.
With heavenly armor am I clad to-day; The hand of God has thus invested me. What now from Him could tear my heart away; What henceforth come between my God and me? With Him for Guide, the fight I face serene; Nor furious fire, nor foe, nor death, I fear. My enemies shall know I am a queen, The spouse of God, most high, most dear. |
This armor I shall keep while life shall last; Thou, Thou, hast given it Me, my King, my Spouse! My fairest, brightest gems, by naught on earth surpast, Shall be my sacred vows. |
My first dear sacrifice, O Poverty, Thou shalt go with me till my dying hour. Detached from all things must the athlete be, If he the race would run, and prove his power |
Taste, worldly men! regret, remorse and pain, The bitter fruits of earthly, vain desire; The glorious palms of Poverty I gain, I who to God alone aspire. |
‘Who would My heavenly Kingdom have from Me, He must use violence,’ so Jesus said. Ah well then! Poverty my mighty lanceshall be, The helmetfor my head. |
The pure white Angels’ sister now am I; My vow of Chastityhas made me so. Ah, how I hope one day with them to fly! Meanwhile to daily combat must I go. For my great Spouse, of every lord the Lord, Struggle must I, with neither truce nor rest; And Chastity shall be my heavenly sword. To win men’s souls to Jesus’ breast. |
O Chastity,my sword invincible! To overcome my foes thou hast sufficed; By thee am I – O joy ineffable! – The Spouse of Jesus Christ. |
The proud, proud angel, in the realms of light, Cried out, rebellious: ‘I will not obey!’ But I shall cry, throughout earth’s dreary night, ‘With all my heart, I will obey alway!’ With holy boldness all my soul is steeled, Against hell’s wild attacks I bravely dart; Obedience ismy firm and mighty shield, The buckleron my valiant heart. |
O conquering God! no other prize I seek, Than to submit with all my heart to Thee; Of victories th’ obedient man shall speak Through all eternity. If now a soldier’s weapon I can wield, If valiantly like him the foe I face, I also long to sing upon the field, As sang the glorious Virgin of all grace. Thou mak’st the chords to vibrate of Thy lyre. That lyre, O Jesus! is my loving heart; To sing Thy mercies is that heart’s desire. How sweet, how strong, how dear, Thou art. |
With radiant smile, Thou Spouse, my heart’s Delight, I go to meet all foes from hell’s dark land; And singing I shall die, upon the field of fight, My weapons in my hand.
June, 1894. |