St Therese of Lisieux – My Hope

Though in a foreign land I dwell afar, I taste in dreams the endless joys of heaven. Fain would I fly beyond the farthest star, And see the wonders to the ransomed given! No more the sense of exile weighs on me, When once I dream of that immortal day. To my true fatherland, dear God! I see, For the first timeI soon shall fly away. |
Ah! give me, Jesus! wings as white as snow, That unto Thee I soon may take my flight. I long to be where flowers unfading blow; I long to see Thee, O my heart’s Delight! I long to fly to Mary’s mother-arms, – To rest upon that spotless throne of bliss; And, sheltered there from troubles and alarms, For the first timeto feel her gentle kiss. |
Thy first sweet smile of welcoming delight Soon show, O Jesus! to Thy lowly bride; O’ercome with rapture at that wondrous sight, Within Thy Sacred Heart, ah! let me hide. O happy moment! and O heavenly grace! When I shall hear Thee, Jesus, speak to me; And the full vision of Thy glorious Face For the first timemy longing eyes shall see. |
Thou knowest well, my only martyrdom Is love, O Heart of Jesus Christ! for Thee; And if my soul craves for its heavenly home, ‘Tis but to love Thee more, eternally. Above, when Thy sweet Face unveiled I view, Measure nor bounds shall to my love be given; Forever my delight shall seem as new As the first timemy spirit entered heaven |
June, 1894.