Tuesday, November 30 : Byzantine Liturgy
When you heard the voice of the Forerunner…, when the Word became flesh and brought the Gospel of salvation to earth, you stepped forward to follow him when you offered yourself to Him as his firstfruits, as a first gift to Him whom afterwards you would make known, and you pointed him out to your brother as our God (Jn 1,35-41): beseech him to save and enlighten our souls… You abandon your fishing to fish for men with the line of preaching and the dragnet of faith. You rescued all peoples from the pit of error, O Andrew, brother of the leader of the choir of apostles, whose voice resounds to teach the whole wide world. O come, enlighten all those who celebrate the sweetness of your memory, all those whose lives are lost in darkness… Andrew, the first to be called of your disciples, has shared your Passion, O Lord, and in death he also made himself one like you. With your cross he fished from the depths of ignorance those who were lost there from former times that he might bring them back to you. Therefore, Good Lord, we sing to you: by his intercession give peace to our souls… O Andrew, rejoice!, who everywhere declare the glory of our God like the eloquent heavens (Ps 19[18],2). You were the first to answer Christ’s call and became his close companion; imitating his kindness, you reflect his light on those who dwell in darkness. Therefore we celebrate your holy feast, singing: “Through all the earth their voice resounds, and to the ends of the world, their message” (Ps 19[18],5).
maronite readings – rosary,team