Wednesday, January 29 : Saint John Chrysostom
![Wednesday, January 29 : Saint John Chrysostom Wednesday, January 29 : Saint John Chrysostom](
If you wish to be great don’t take pride in it like the Pharisee in the parable (Lk 18:9) and then you will be truly great. Believe yourself to be without merit and then you will have it. As for the publican, he recognized himself to be a sinner and thus became just. How much more will the righteous who recognize themselves to be sinners see their righteousness and merits increase! For humility makes a righteous person out of a sinner by recognizing the truth about his life, and in the souls of the just genuine humility works even more powerfully. So don’t lose through vainglory the fruit you would have acquired by your deeds, the wages for your efforts, the reward for your life’s labors. God knows the good you do better than you know it yourself. A simple glass of water will be rewarded. God acknowledges the smallest alms, or if you are unable to give anything, even just a sigh of compassion. He accepts everything, he will recall everything so as to repay you a hundredfold. So let us stop counting our merits and displaying them openly. If we crow over our merits we will not be praised by God. Let us rather groan about our failure and God will raise us up in the sight of all. He doesn’t want the fruit of our labors to be lost. In his ardent love he wants to crown our smallest actions; he seeks out every means of delivering us from hell.
Roman Extraordinary (Tridentine) Daily Readings – rosary,team