Friday, July 12 : Saint Catherine of Siena
Very dear son in Christ, the sweet Jesus, me, Catherine, the servant and the slave of the servants of Jesus Christ, I write to you in her precious blood, with the desire to see you real knights ready to give your life For Crucified Jesus. You are placed on the battlefield of this dark life, where we are continuously in the hands with our enemies. The world persecutes us with its riches, its dignities, its honors; It makes us believe that it is solid and durable, while it disappears and passes like the wind. The demon attacks us by his temptations, by deceiving us. Because as soon as we lose God’s love, we lose our lives. The flesh torments us by its fragility and its movements to lose purity; Because, being deprived of purity, we are deprived of God. Our enemies never sleep, they are always persecuting us and God allows it, to always give us the opportunity to deserve, and to get us from the sleep of negligence. You know that the man who feels attacked by his enemies takes care to defend himself against them, because he sees that, if he was sleeping, he would be in danger of death. So God tempts us so that we have to take up arms of hatred and love. Hatred closes the door of consent to vice, by resisting evil and hating it with all its might; And the soul opens the door to the virtues, opening the arms of love to receive them at the bottom of her soul with great ardor. You see that it is very good that our enemies do not prevail against us. We must not and we cannot fear anything, if we want to strengthen ourselves by saying: We can do all things by Jesus crucified. What should the soul fear if it puts its hope in its creator?
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team