Friday, June 10 : Saint Paul VI
Faithful to the memory of Jesus, the apostles rejoiced with the new believers, because in him they had found not only the shepherd of their soul, but also the head of shepherds. When the hour had come to return to the Father, upon leaving this world, Jesus wanted to choose and to call other “shepherds after his own heart” (Jer 3:15). He did so by his free choice, so that they might continue his own mission in the whole world until the end of time. They were to be the people sent by him, his messengers, his apostles. They would be pastors solely in his name, for the good of the flock and in the power of his Spirit, to whom they were to remain faithful. After his triple profession of love for Jesus, Peter, the first one of them all, was named shepherd of Jesus’ sheep and lambs (Jn 21:15). Then all the apostles. And after them, others more, and all of them in the same Spirit. And at all times, they must all guide the Lord’s flock, which was entrusted to them, not so that they would dominate over them, but to be models for the flock (1 Pet 5:3), with total disinterestedness and great energy of heart. Only then will they one day be able to receive the reward they have deserved, when the head of the shepherds returns.
maronite readings – rosary,team