Monday, April 10 : Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
“Rejoice ! Jerusalem !) Unite, all you who love him.” (Is 66:10) O Jesus, for he has risen. Rejoice all you who used to be in pain, (…) for he who was treated violently, has been raised in his turn. Just as the remembrance of the cross saddened our assembly, so the good news of his resurrection is its joy. May sadness give way to joy, lamentation to happiness, and happiness and joy fill our mouths, in honor of those who, after his resurrection said: “rejoice !” (Mt 28:9) For I know what the days gone by were like, the sadness of Christs’s friends, to say nothing of his death and burial and said nothing of the good news of his resurrection. Your spirit looks out for the longed for day. So he has been raised, in suspense and death and death for him who is “free among the dead” (Ps 87:6) the one who sets the dead free. The man who who was shamed to have bound the dishonorable crown of thorns around him, now raised has girded the diadem of victory over death. So then ! just as we have given testimony concerning his cross, so now, let us establish as proof of the resurrection what the apostle has effectively confirmed: he was buried, raised on the third day according to the scriptures,” (1 Cor 15:4).
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team