Monday, May 16 : Symeon the New Theologian
Whoever has the Spirit as their teacher has no need of human knowledge but, enlightened by this Spirit’s light, beholds the Son, sees the Father, and worships the Trinity of Persons, the one God, who is inexpressibly one by nature. Stand still, O man ! Tremble, you who are mortal by nature, and consider how you have been taken from nothing and how, in coming from your mother’s womb, you saw the world that was made before you were. And if you could have understood the height of heaven or shown the nature of the sun, the moon and the stars, where they are fixed and how they move (…), or even the nature of the earth from which you were taken, its limits and bounds, its size and greatness (…), if you had uncovered the end of all things and counted the sand of the sea, and if, too, you could have known your own nature (…), then would you be able to consider your creator, how, in the Trinity, Unity dwells without confusion, and how, in the Unity, there is Trinity without division. Seek the Spirit ! (…) Perhaps God will comfort you and grant you, as he has already granted you to see the world, the sun and the light of day, yes, he will deign to enlighten you now in the same way (…), to enlighten you with the light of the Threefold Sun (…), Then you will learn the Spirit’s grace: that, even when absent, he is present by his power and, when present, he is unseen because of his divine nature, and is everywhere and nowhere. If you try to see him with the senses where will you find him? You will simply say: Nowhere. But if you have the strength to contemplate him spiritually it is he, rather, who will enlighten your soul and open the eyes of your heart.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team