Monday, May 2 : Saint Thomas More
[There is] one ground on which all that we shall build may be supported and stand, that is, the ground and foundation of faith. Without this, al the spiritual comfort that anyone may speak of can never avail a fly. (…) For unless a man first believe that holy scripture is the word of God and that the word of God is true, how can he take any comfort in that which the scripture tells him? A man must needs take little fruit from scripture if he either believes not that it be the word of God, or else think that, though it were, it might yet for all that be untrue! As this faith is more strong or more faint, so shall the comforting words of holy scripture stand the man in more stead or less. This virtue of faith no one can give to himself nor anyone to another. (…) The faith is the gracious gift of God himself. For, as Saint James says: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is given from above, descending from the Father of lights” (Jas 1:17). Therefore, feeling our faith by many tokens very faint, let us pray to him who gives it to us, that it may please him to help and increase it.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team