Monday, October 17 : Saint John-Mary Vianney
The world passes and we pass with it. Kings, emperors, all pass away. We rush into the eternity from which we nevermore return. It is a question of only one thing: to save our poor souls. The saints were not attached to earthly possessions; they were thinking only of heavenly ones. Worldly people, on the other hand, are only thinking of the present moment. We must act like kings. When they are going to be dethroned they send their treasures on ahead of them and those treasures await them. In the same way good Christians send on all their good works to the entrance to heaven (…). Earth is a bridge for crossing the water; it only serves to support our feet… We are in this world but not of this world since every day we say: “Our Father who art in heaven…” Therefore we must wait for our reward when we are “at home” in the Father’s house.
maronite readings – rosary,team