Saturday, January 11 : Saint Charles de Foucauld
“The friend of the Bridegroom, who stands at the door and listens, rejoices with joy when he hears the voice of the Bridegroom” (Jn 3:29). Surely I should repeat these words, my God, my Lord Jesus, every time I hear some inspired text: Psalm, the Gospel especially, Our Father, Hail Mary, in short every text from the inspired books? It is indeed the voice of the Holy Spirit who speaks, every time I read them, every time I hear them. I must therefore say these words of Saint John and add with him: “So, at this moment, my joy is fulfilled….” My joy is fulfilled, each time that I hear, that I read, that I recite some text, however short it may be, of the word of the Spouse so passionately cherished!… It is in this jubilation, in this transport of love where the voice of the Spouse transports me, that I must therefore recite the divine office, say the Holy Rosary, read the Holy Scripture… Do we love, respect, venerate, admire, adore the written or spoken word of what we love?… Let us therefore adore, kiss, cherish, adulate every word of the Beloved of our hearts!…
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team