Saturday, March 4 : Saint Ambrose
Three persons were chosen to climb the mountain, two to appear with the Lord (…) Peter, who received the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, was one of those who climbed up, and John, to whom was entrusted the Mother of Jesus, and James, who would be the first to be elevated to the Episcopal dignity. Then Moses and Elijah, the Law and the prophets, appeared together with the Word (…) Let us, too, climb the mountain, let us beg the Word of God to appear to us in his “splendor and beauty”, to “be strong, go forth in majesty and reign” (Ps 45[44]:4). (…) For if you do not ascend to the peak of a higher knowledge, Wisdom will not appear to you, understanding of the mysteries will not make itself known. The splendor and beauty to be found in the Word of God will not appear to you, but God’s Word will seem like a body “without grace or beauty” (Is 53:2). He will seem to you like a man of suffering, “accustomed to infirmity” (v. 3), and like a word born of man, covered with the veil of the letter and not shining with the power of the Spirit (cf. 2 Cor 3:6-17). (…) His clothing takes one appearance at the foot of the mountain, another at the top. It might be said that the garments of the Word are Scripture’s words that, so to speak, clothe the divine thoughts. And just as he appeared to Peter, James and John under another aspect, his garment dazzling white, so the meaning of the divine Scriptures is already explained in your mind’s eye. Thus the divine words become like snow “such as no one on earth could bleach them” (…) Then followed a cloud that hid them under its shadow. This shadow is the divine Spirit, which does not cover over men’s hearts but brings to light what lies hidden (…) You see, perfect faith is knowledge of the Son of God, not just for beginners but for the perfect and even for the inhabitants of heaven.
Roman Extraordinary (Tridentine) Daily Readings – rosary,team