Saturday, May 4 : Saint Ambrose
The apostle Paul says that creation waits for the revealing of the sons of God (Rm 8,19). This creation is now subjected to futility not by its own will but in hope, because it takes hope in Christ… Because creation will be liberated from the slavery of corruption to be taken up into the liberty of the sons of God, so that when the future glory is revealed there will be but one liberty for both creation and the sons of God. But now, in truth, whilst this revelation is in daily expectation, the whole creation groans as it awaits the glory of our adoption and redemption… The meaning is plain enough: they who have the first-fruits of the Spirit groan in expectation of their adoption as sons (v.9f.). Now, that adoption is the redemption of a whole body. That will come about when he sees face to face, as an adopted son of God, the divine and eternal goodness. Even so is the adoption of sons in the Church of the Lord, when the Spirit cries out, “Abba! Father!” (v.15). But that redemption will be perfect when all who are graced to see the face of God rise again in incorruptibility, honour and glory. Then indeed human nature will judge that it is redeemed. That is why the Apostle Paul makes his boast when he says, “In this hope we are saved” (v.24). Hope saves, as does faith, of which it is said: “Your faith has saved you” (Mk 5,34).
maronite readings – rosary,team