Thursday, July 18 : Saint Theodore the Studite
So great, my children, the divine charism of humility! And among the saints have been able to please God without this primary quality. From it, put on (cf. 1 p 5.5), you too, my brothers. (…) Conversion with humility, let’s work with humility, read with humility, chant psalmody with humility, walk with humility, eat with humility, let’s excuse with humility and, in truth, we will see how great this fruit is, as it is sweet, desireable, and as it illuminates us completely, making us imitators of God. “Learn from me,” he says indeed, “that I am gentle and humble of hearts and you will find rest for your souls” (Mt 11,29). In her, indeed, is really rest. Through it, the waves of grace surge in souls. Through it, the purification of the heart rises. Through it, the effusion of tears is abundant. Through it, the source of the compunction springs; in it, wisdom and intelligence, piety, self -control, meditation, absence of boastful jokes and any other good that can exist, be named and defined. This is our discourse on humility! As for you, children of God and our humble person, receive seeds and bear fruit like good land, thirty, sixty and one hundred for one (cf. Mt 13,8; Jn 15,8.16), by good actions that correspond to your virtue.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team