Wednesday, December 13 : Saint Theodore the Studite
Does anyone want to behave well? Stand then at a distance from pride and cover yourself with an obedience without reservation, the very highest humility; Happiness and joy will be on your head (cf. is 35,10). Indeed, what will not come from this good root? All joy, peace, kindness and piety, all docility and moderation, all sweetness and leniency (cf. Ga 5,22), all that is beautiful, pleasant and desirable, in short, everything that characterizes he who is truly man of God. (…) Lift your eyes to Christ our Lord and God, master of all things, He who is the truly rich, the only Son of the Father, be attracted by what is humble (cf. RM 12,6) and imitate what he did. He was simple in appearance; He was submitted to his parents until the appropriat time; He often traveled on the roads and sat down when he was tired (cf. Jn 4,6); Insulted, he did not insult; mistreated, he did not threaten (cf. 1 p 2,22); He turned His cheek to the one who struck him; He did not have many clothes and was content with a small tunic and a coat; He did not take soft blankets with him; He was not going on horseback or mounted on mules; He only fed on bread and drank water from the stream . And if we who have much more, we still think we are in discomfort and torment, how will we establish ourselves in the imitation of the Lord? This is why we must support everything with patience and shape our life on the divine model!
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team