Wednesday, January 1 : Saint Anselm
How can I speak worthily of the mother of the Creator and Saviour, by whose sanctity my sins are purged, by whose integrity incorruptibility is given me, by whose virginity my soul falls in love with its Lord and is married to its God? What can I worthily tell of the mother of my Lord and God by whose fruitfulness I am redeemed from captivity, by whose child-bearing I am brought forth from eternal death, by whose offspring I who was lost am restored, and led back from my unhappy exile to my blessed homeland? ‘Blessed among all women,’ all these things were given to me by ‘the blessed fruit of your womb’ through his baptism of regeneration, some in fact, others in hope. You showed to the world its Lord and its God whom it had not known. You showed to the sight of all the world its Creator whom it had not seen. You gave birth to therestorer of the world for whom the lost world longed. You brought forth the world’s reconciliation. Through your fruitfulness, Lady, the sinner is cleansed and justified, the condemned is saved and the exile is restored. The world was wrapped in darkness, but from you alone light was born into it, which broke its bonds. God gave his own Son, who alone from his heart was born equal to him, loved as he loves himself, to Mary, and of Mary was then born a Son not another but the same one, that naturally one might be the Son of God and of Mary. All nature is created by God and God is born of Mary. God created all things, and Mary gave birth to God. God who made all things made himself of Mary, and thus he refashioned everything he had made.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team