Wednesday, January 12 : Saint Augustine
John declared what you have heard when, to stir up his jealousy, someone reported to him that Jesus was making more disciples. His friends said to him, as though he were envious: “See how he is making more disciples than you.” But John recognized what he was and, because of this, he was worthy to be united to Christ because he did not venture to attribute to himself what belonged to Christ. This is what he said: “A man can ascribe nothing to himself but only what he has received from Heaven”… He did not draw his joy from himself. Whoever wants to find the source of his joy within himself will always be sad; but whoever wishes to find his joy in God will always be joyful because God is everlasting. Do you want an everlasting joy? Bind yourself to Him who is everlasting. That is what John did. The bridegroom’s voice, and not his own voice, is what gives joy to the friend of the bridegroom. He stands up and listens… “This is my joy and I am filled by it. I have my own grace and wish for nothing more lest I lose what I have received.” What is this joy? “He is filled with joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice”. Therefore let people understand that they are not to joy in their own wisdom but in that which they have received from God. If people do not look for anything else, they will not lose what they have found… John recognized that he had received everything; he said that he was joyful because of the bridegroom’s voice and then he added: “Now my joy is complete”.
maronite readings – rosary,team