Tuesday, June 14 : Saint Gregory of Narek
How many are my debts, beyond all counting, yet they are not so amazing as your mercy. Numerous are my sins but yet they are miniscule by comparison with your forgiveness. (…) What could a little darkness do to your divine light? How can a little bit of shadow compete with your rays, who are so great! How could my weak body’s earthly desires be weighed in the balance with your Passion and cross? How would the whole world’s sins appear before the eyes of your goodness, O Mighty One? Behold they are like (…) a drop of water swallowed up by the outpouring of your plentiful rain. (…) It is you who give sunshine to both evil and good and cause rain to fall on both without distinction. The peacefulness of some is great because they expect their reward; (…) but those who preferred earth you forgive with mercy: and you give them the medicine of life with the first in constant expectation of their turning back to you.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team