Jueves, 24 De Marzo : Santa Catalina de Siena
Lecturas Católicas Romanas – rosary.team
[Saint Catherine heard God say to her]: You reach perfection through knowledge and contempt of yourself and knowledge of my goodness. And at no time does the soul know herself so well, if I am within her, as when she is most beleaguered. Why? I will tell you. She knows herself well when she finds herself besieged and can neither free herself nor resist being captured. Yes, she can resist with her will to the point of not giving her consent, but that is all. Then she can come to know that of herself she is nothing. For if she were anything at all of herself she would be able to get rid of what she did not want. So in this way she is humbled in true self-knowledge, and in the light of holy faith she runs to me, God eternal. For by my goodness she was able to maintain her good and holy will steadfast when she was sorely besieged so that she did not imitate the wretched things that were vexing her. You have good reason, then, to take comfort in the teaching of the gentle, loving Word, my only-begotten Son, in times of great trouble, suffering and adversity, and when you are tempted by people or the devil. For these things strengthen your virtue and bring you to great perfection.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team
“Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy” (Mt 5,7). Sweet is the name of mercy, dearest brethren; and if the name is sweet, how much sweeter is the quality itself?… Since we all wish for mercy, let us make her our patroness in this age that she may free us in the future. For there is mercy in heaven and we attain it through the acts of mercy that we perform on earth. This is what scripture says: “O Lord, your mercy is in heaven” (Ps 35,6 Vg). There are two kinds of mercy, then: mercy on earth and mercy in heaven, human mercy and divine mercy. What is human mercy like? It makes you concerned for the hardship of the poor. What is divine mercy like? It forgives sinners. Whatever generosity human mercy shows during our life on earth, divine mercy repays when we reach our fatherland. In this world God is cold and hungry in all the poor, as he himself said: “As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25,40). God, then, is pleased to give from heaven, but he desires to receive on earth.
maronite readings – rosary,team
كان يجب على مريم أن تكون مرتا قبل أن تصبح حقًّا مريم. لأنَّها طالما كانت جالسة عند قدميّ الربّ، فهي مريم بالاسم وحسب، وما كانت بعد مريم الحقيقيّة وما تمثّله في الحياة الرُّوحيّة. إنّ بعض الناس يدفعون الأمور إلى أبعد الحدود لأنّهم يريدون التحرّر من الأعمال كلّها. أقول إنّها مقاربة خاطئة! فالتلاميذ لم يباشروا بخلق أيّ أمرٍ ملموس وصلب إلاّ بعد حلول الرُّوح القدس عليهم. ومريم أيضًا، طالما كانت جالسة عند قدميّ الربّ، كانت ما زالت تتعلّم؛ كانت قد التحقت لتوّها بالمدرسة، وابتدأت تتعلّم أن تعيش. ولكن فيما بعد، بعد صعود الرّب يسوع إلى السماء، وتلقّي مريم الرُّوح القدس، عندها فقط بدأت خدمتها. مخرت البحار وبشّرت وعلّمت وأصبحت مساعدة للرسل. بِدءًا من اللحظة الأولى التي صار فيها الله إنسانًا والإنسان الله، باشر الرّب يسوع المسيح أيضًا العمل لتحقيق سعادتنا الفائقة، وذلك حتّى النهاية، حتّى موته على الصليب. فكلّ عضو من جسده شريك في هذا العمل العظيم.
maronite readings – rosary.team
Revestir el nombre de Cristo sin seguir el camino de Cristo ¿no es traicionar el nombre divino y abandonar el camino de la salvación? Porque el mismo Señor enseña y declara que el hombre que guarda sus mandamientos entrará en la vida (Mt 19,17). Que el que escucha sus palabras y las pone en práctica es un sabio (Mt 7,24) y que aquel que las enseña y conforma su vida según ellas será llamado grande en el reino de los cielos. Toda predicación buena y saludable no aprovechará al predicador si la palabra que sale de su boca no se convierte luego en actos. Así que ¿hay un mandamiento que el Señor haya enseñado con más insistencia a sus discípulos que este de amar los unos a los otros con el mismo amor con que él nos ha amado? (Jn 13,34) ¿Se encontrará entre los consejos que conducen a la salvación y entre los preceptos divinos un mandamiento más importante para guardar y observar? Pero como el que por la envidia se ha vuelto incapaz de actuar como un hombre de paz y de corazón ¿podrá guardar la paz o el amor del Señor? Por esto, el apóstol Pablo proclamó también los méritos de la paz y de la caridad. Afirmó con fuerza que ni la fe ni las limosnas ni siquiera los sufrimientos del martirio no le servirían de nada si no respetara los lazos de la caridad (cf 1Cor 13,1-3).
Lecturas Católicas Romanas – rosary.team
“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us!” O the unspeakable mercy of God! It has not only given us a form of prayer and taught us how to act in a manner acceptable to him, uprooting both anger and sadness through the requirements of the formula that he gave, by which he ordered that we should always pray it. It has also conferred on those who pray an opportunity by disclosing to them the way that may bring upon themselves the merciful and kind judgment of God, and it has conferred a certain power by which we can moderate the sentence of our Judge, persuading him to pardon our sins by the example of our own forgiveness when we tell him: “Forgive us as we forgive.” And so, securely confident in this prayer, a person who has been forgiving to his own debtors asks pardon for his offenses. (…) Therefore, if we wish to be judged mercifully, we must ourselves be merciful to those who have offended us. For we shall be forgiven to the degree that we have forgiven those who have injured us by any wrongdoing whatsoever. Some peoples fear this, and when this prayer is recited together in church by the whole congregation they pass over this line in silence lest by their own words they obligate rather than excuse themselves. They do not understand that it is in vain that they contrive to quibble in this way with the Judge of all, who wished to show beforehand how he would judge his suppliants. For since he does not wish to be harsh and inexorable towards them, he indicated the form that his judgment would take. Thus, just as we want to be judged by him, so also we should judge our brothers if they have offended us in anything.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team
To assume the name of Christ without following the way of Christ -what else is that but to make a sham of the divinely given name and to abandon the path of salvation? When Christ himself teaches that the person who keeps his commandments will have life (Mt 19:17) and that wisdom belongs to the one who not only listens to his words but acts on them (Mt 7:24), that the distinction of being called the greatest teacher in the kingdom of heaven is awarded to the one who not only teaches but acts in accordance with his teaching, then he means that if anything good and useful has been preached it will benefit the preacher only insofar as he lives by what he preaches. Now is there anything the Lord more frequently urged on his disciples, any salutary counsel or heavenly precept he wanted them to cherish and observe more assiduously than his commandment that we should love one another with the same love as he himself showed for his disciples? (Jn 13:34; 15:12) Yet how can anyone preserve the peace and love of the Lord if jealousy has rendered him incapable of being either peaceable or loving toward his neighbor? This is why the apostle Paul gave a eulogy of peace and charity and made an uncompromising assertion that neither faith nor alms nor even the suffering of the confessor or martyr would be of any value unless we observe the claims of love in their entirety (1 Cor 13:1-3).
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team
Mary first had to become a Martha before she could become a real Mary. Because so long as she remained at our Lord’s feet she was not yet so: in name she was, but not as yet in its spiritual actuality. Some people stretch things so far that they would like to free themselves from all work. But I say this is useless! It wasn’t until they had received the Holy Spirit that the disciples began to believe anything concretely. Mary too, so long as she was sitting at our Lord’s feet, was still learning; she had only just begun to learn; she was learning how to live. But afterwards, when Christ had ascended into heaven and she had received the Holy Spirit, only then did she begin to serve. She crossed the sea, preached and taught and became a fellow worker with the apostles. From the first moment of God’s becoming man, both man and God, Christ also began to work for our blessedness even to the end when he died on the cross. There was not a member of his body that did not take part in this great work.
maronite readings – rosary,team
“Perdona nuestras ofensas, como nosotros perdonamos a los que nos han ofendido” ¡Oh misericordia inefable de Dios! No sólo nos da un modelo de oración e instituye la regla de vida para que seamos gratos a sus ojos. No sólo saca las raíces de la cólera y la tristeza, con las palabras mismas que nos enseña y con las que nos pide de rezar continuamente. Más todavía. En la misma oración nos ofrece la ocasión y la facilidad para provocarlo a tener con nosotros un juicio indulgente y misericordioso. Nos da, en cierta forma, el poder de atenuar nosotros mismos nuestra sentencia y de obligarlo al perdón con el ejemplo de nuestra propia indulgencia, cuando decimos: “Perdona nuestras ofensas, como nosotros perdonamos…”. Con la fuerza de esta oración, pediremos el perdón de nuestras faltas con seguridad, mostrándonos suaves con los deudores.(…) Si queremos ser juzgados con misericordia, seamos misericordiosos con los que han cometido faltas contra nosotros. Nos será perdonado en la medida que perdonamos a los que nos hicieron mal, cualquier haya sido su maldad. Muchos tiemblan ante este pensamiento y cuando en la iglesia, el pueblo recite el Pater, no dicen estas palabras por el temor de condenarse ellos mismos. No perciben que son vanas sutilidades y tratan vanamente de esconderlas a los ojos del Soberano Juez. Él quiso mostrar a quienes le rezan, la forma cómo él juzga. No quiere que lo encontremos severo e inexorable. Por eso nos marcó la regla de sus juicios, para que juzguemos a nuestros hermanos si ellos cometieron una falta con nosotros, como deseamos ser juzgados por él.
Lecturas Católicas Romanas – rosary.team
The mirror image is passing by; the mirror image takes away. For indeed, he who “enlightens everyone coming into the world” (Jn 1,9) is the true mirror of the Father. Christ passes by as one who is the mirror image of the Father (cf. Heb 1,3) and takes away the blindness of eyes that do not see. Christ, who comes from heaven, passes by so that all flesh might see him according to the prophetic word of the holy old man, Simeon, who received the newborn Word in his arms and beheld him with joy, saying: “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, for my eyes have seen your salvation” (Lk 2,29-30). The blind man alone was unable to see Christ, mirror of the Father. What great faithfulness was there then to what the prophets had proclaimed: “Then will the eyes of the blind be opened, the ears of the deaf be cleared; then will the lame leap like a stag, then the tongue of the dumb will sing”? (Is 35,5-6). Christ opened the blind man’s eyes and he saw in Christ the mirror of the Father. O wonderful remedy, contrary to all nature!… The first man was created filled with light; he became blind when he left the serpent. This blind man began to be born again when he started to believe. For his body was sick but his very nature, too, was corrupted. He had a twofold need of light… The craftsman, who was his Creator, passed by and refashioned this image of fallen man into the mirror image when he saw the blind man’s wretchedness. O wonder of God’s strength, healing what it sees and enlightening what it visits.
maronite readings – rosary,team