Saturday, January 21 : Saint Ephrem
To prevent his disciples from questioning him about the time of his coming Christ said, ‘Of that hour no one knows, neither the angels nor the Son. It is not for you to know the times or moments.’ (Mt 24,36; Ac 1,7). He hid the time from us so that we would be on the watch and so that each of us might think that the coming will happen in his own lifetime… Be on the watch. When the body sleeps, nature gets the better of us. Then, our actions do not come from our will but by force from the impulse of nature. When the soul is overcome by a heavy sleep of timidity or sadness, the enemy takes control of it and works through it what it does not want to do… The Lord’s command about vigilance holds good for both parts of man. The body must avoid overpowering sleep and the soul must guard against sluggishness and timidity. In the words of scripture, “Awake you just,” (1Co 15,34) and “I rose up and am still with you,” (Ps 139[138],18) and “Do not lose heart” (cf Ep 3,13)… “Five of them were foolish and five of them were prudent,” the Lord says. Their virginity had nothing to do with him calling them wise for they were all virgins, but rather their good works. Even though your chastity is of angelic holiness, note well that the angels’ holiness is free of all envy or other evil. So even though you are not rebuked for impurity, take care not to be so for impatience or anger either… “Gird your loins” so that chastity may lighten our steps. “And light your lamps” (Lk 12,35) because the world is black as night: it stands in need of the light of the upright. “You light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father” (Mt 5,16).
Roman Extraordinary (Tridentine) Daily Readings – rosary,team