Saturday, May 25 : Saint John XXIII
O Prince of peace, risen Jesus, look kindly upon all humankind. It is from you alone that it looks for aid and rescue. Just as in the days of your earthly life, you always prefer the small, the humble, those who suffer. You step constantly in front of sinners. Grant that all may call upon you and find you that they may have in you their way, their truth, their life (Jn 14,6). Grant us your peace, O Lamb sacrificed for our salvation (Rv 5,6; Jn 1,29): “O Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world; grant us your peace!” This is our prayer, O Jesus: Banish from men’s hearts everything that could compromise their peace; confirm them in truth, justice, love for each other. Enlighten all leaders: may their efforts on behalf of peoples’ well-being be united in the task with a view to ensuring them peace. Stir up the wills of all to overthrow the barriers that divide us and to strengthen the bonds of charity. Stir up the wills of all to be ready to understand, to sympathize, to forgive; that all may be united in your name, and that in hearts, in families, in the whole world, peace, your peace, may triumph.
maronite readings – rosary,team