Saturday, September 10 : Isaac of Stella
« Bear one another’s burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ »; « Bearing with one another in love » (Gal 6,2 ; Eph 4,2) : these are indeed Christ’s law. When I notice something in my brother that cannot be corrected due to some difficulty or physical or moral infirmity, why can’t I bear with him patiently, why not wholeheartedly comfort him according to the words of Scripture: “As nurslings you shall be carried in their arms and comforted on their lap”? (Is 66,12). Could it be that I am lacking in the charity that bears with everything, that upholds with patience and loves with indulgence? (cf 1Cor 13,7). Such, in any case, is the law of Christ. In his Passion he truly : “took our sufferings on himself” and in his mercy “endured our sorrows” (Is 53,4), loving those he carried and carrying those he loved. But he who, to the contrary, shows himself agressive to this brother in difficulty, who sets a snare for his weakness, whatever it might be, obviously submits to the devil’s law and does it. So be compassionate to one another and full of brotherly love; bear with weaknesses and cast out vices… And truly, any kind of life that allows us to give ourselves more genuinely to the love of God and, for his sake, to love of neighbour – whether in religious or secular life – is pleasing to God.
maronite readings – rosary,team