Sunday, January 16 : Saint Romanos Melodios
While Christ was attending the wedding and the crowd of guests were enjoying themselves, the wine ran out and their joy was turned to dismay (…). Seeing this, Mary most pure straightaway comes to say to her son: “They have no more wine; therefore I beg you, my child, show how you can do everything, you who created all things in wisdom.” Revered Virgin, from which of his miracles, I pray, did you know that your son, without having harvested the grape, was able to bestow wine, when he had never yet accomplished a miracle before? Tell us (…) how was it you said to your son: “Give them wine, you who created all things in wisdom.” “ – – I saw myself how Elizabeth addressed me as Mother of God before I had given birth and, after giving birth, Symeon sang of me, Anna praised me. The wise men hastened to the crib from Persia for a star foretold this childbearing; shepherds and angels made themselves heralds of joy and creation rejoiced together with them. What greater miracles than these could I look for than to believe from their faith that my son is he who created all things in wisdom?” (…) When Christ openly changed water into wine by his power the whole crowd rejoiced, finding the taste of this wine to be wonderful. Today the Church’s banquet is where we are all seated for the wine is changed into the blood of Christ and we all drink of it in holy gladness, glorifying our great Bridegroom. For the true Bridegroom is Mary’s son, the Word from all eternity, who took the form of a slave and created all things in wisdom. O Most High, Holy One, Savior of all: keep unimpaired the wine within us since you preside over all. Cast out from us every perversity, evil thoughts that water down your wine so holy. (…) By the prayers of the holy Virgin Mother of God deliver us from the anguish of the sins that oppress us, O merciful God who have created all things in wisdom.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team