Thursday, November 11 : The Imitation of Christ
“The Kingdom of God is within you,” says the Lord (…). Up, faithful soul, prepare your heart for this bridegroom; that he may deign to come and dwell within you. For so he proclaimed: “Whoever loves me will keep my word; and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him,” (Jn 14:23). Make room for Christ, and then bar the door against all comers. When you have Christ, you have all the riches you need. He will be your purveyor and your faithful manager in all things; you will have no need to hope in men. For men are quick to change and speedily die; but Christ “remains forever” (Jn 12:34), standing firm to the very end. Not much reliance should be placed upon man, be he never so beloved or so useful; for he goes to pieces and he dies. And not much sadness should be felt if he sometimes turns against you: with you to-day, against you to-morrow; and fickle as the breeze to return to you again. Put all your trust in God; let him be your fear and him your love. He will answer for you, and do that good thing that is best for you. “Here we have no lasting city” (Heb 13:14); wherever you are, you are “a stranger and an alien” (Heb 11:13); you will never at any time have peace until you are intimately one with Christ.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team