Tuesday, June 6 : Saint Bernard
The Word of the Father, only-begotten Son of God, Sun of justice (Mal 3:20), is the great merchant who has brought us the price of our redemption. It is a truly precious exchange that we can never value sufficiently when a King, son of the King most high, has become the coin, the gold has paid our dues, the just man is given for the sinner. Truly unmerited mercy, perfectly disinterested love, astonishing goodness…, it is a completely disproportionate purchase in which the Son of God is delivered up for the servant, the Creator is put to death for the one he has created, the Lord is condemned for his slave. O Christ, these are your works, you who descended from heaven’s brightness into our hellish darkness to bring light to our gloomy prison. You came down from the right hand of the divine majesty into our human misery to redeem the human race, who descended from the Father’s glory to death on the cross to triumph over death and its author. You are the only one and there is no other but you who could have been drawn to redeem us through your own goodness… Let all the merchants of Teman (Bar 3:23) withdraw from this place…: it is not they but Israel [your] beloved that [you have] chosen, you who hide these mysteries from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to those babes and humble servants of yours (Lk 10:21)… O Lord, I willingly embrace this purchase since it concerns me! I remember all the things you have done, you who desire that I should keep them alive… Therefore I shall profit by this talent you have loaned me until your return and will stand before you with great joy. God grant I may then hear these sweet words: “Well done, good servant! Enter the joy of your Lord” (Mt 25:21).
Roman Extraordinary (Tridentine) Daily Readings – rosary,team