Tuesday, October 11 : Saint Augustine
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!” (Phil 4,4). The Apostle Paul tells us to rejoice, but in the Lord, not in the world, for “whosoever wishes to be a friend of this world”, as scripture says, “will be accounted an enemy of God” (Jas 4,4). Just as a man cannot serve two masters (Mt 6,24), so nobody can rejoice both in the world and in the Lord. So let joy in the Lord conquer, until joy in the world comes to an end. Let joy in the Lord ever increase… This does not mean that while we are in this world we must not rejoice, but rather that, even while we are in this world, we should already rejoice in the Lord. But somebody objects: “I am in the world, and so, If I rejoice, I rejoice where I am.” Well then, just because you are in the world, does this mean you are not in the Lord? Listen to the same Saint Paul… talking about God and about the Lord our Creator: “In him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17,28). Where is the place where he is not, he who is everywhere? Is this not why Paul was exhorting us: “The Lord is hand, do not be anxious” (Phil 4,5-6)? This is a great thing, that he ascended above all heavens, and is near to those who live on earth. Who is both far away and nearby, if not he who drew near to us in his mercy for us ?
maronite readings – rosary,team