Tuesday, October 17 : Saint John-Mary Vianney
Even if we are very poor, we can still do alms, and, whateverhowever important our occupations, we can still pray to the good Lord without compromising our business, pray evening and morning, and even all day. (…) I say that there is a kind of alms that everyone can do. You can see that alms are not only to feed those who are hungry and give clothes to those who do not have it; But rather all the services that we render to our neighbor, either for the body or for the soul, provided it is in a spirit of charity. When we have little, well! We give little; And when we don’t have, we lend if we can. The one who cannot provide the needs of the ill, well! He can visit them, tell them a few words of consolation, pray for them, so that they can make good use of their illness. Yes, my brothers, everything is great and precious in the eyes of the good Lord, when we are motivated by our faith and charity, because Jesus Christ told us that “a glass of water would not be without reward. (Mt 10,42) So you see my brothers, that although we are very poor, we can easily do alms.
Roman Catholic Ordinary Calendar – rosary,team