Wednesday, September 8 : Saint John Chrysostom
Nothing is more cold than a christian who is not dedicated to saving others. In this respect there can be no pretense of poverty: the widow who gave her two tiny coins would rise up and call you to account (Lk 21,2). Peter too, who said: “Silver and gold have I none” (Acts 3,6). And Paul, who was so poor that he often went hungry and lacked the necessary means to live on (1Cor 4,11). Neither can you protest your humble birth: they too were of modest degree. Ignorance won’t give you any better excuse: they were uneducated as well… It’s no good claiming sickness: Timothy was subject to frequent illnesses (1Tim 5,23)… Anybody at all can be of service to his neighbor if he would do what he can… Don’t say that it’s impossible for you to draw others because, if you are a christian, it’s impossible that you shouldn’t. Every tree bears its own fruit (Mt 17,17f) and, since there is no contradiction in nature, what we are saying is likewise true since it follows from the very nature of a christian… It is easier for light to be darkness than that the christian should not shine!
maronite readings – rosary,team